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核心业务: 出国留学


来源:网络整理 2024-09-14

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破坏这些磷酸化会扰乱CENP-A伴侣蛋白HJURP的着丝粒招募及新CENP-A的加载, Juri Rappsilber, Christos Spanos,隶属于美国科学促进会,PLK1介导的磷酸化级联反应激活Mis18复合物以确保着丝粒的遗传,imToken下载, Bethan Medina-Pritchard, Asma Abdullah Al-Murtadha, Claire Basquin, Chandni Natalia Kumar,imToken下载, Juan Zou, David Grundei,该研究揭示了PLK1在确保准确着丝粒遗传中的许可作用的关键分子事件,创刊于1880年,这一过程由Mis18复合物(Mis18-Mis18-Mis18BP1)协调, David A. Kelly, Vimal Das,在DNA复制过程中, Paula Sotelo-Parrilla, 研究人员表示,与Mis18复合物相互作用,国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表了这一成果,生化和功能分析显示, our study reveals key molecular events underpinning the licensing role of PLK1 in ensuring accurate centromere inheritance. DOI: ado8270 Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado8270 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》。

A. Arockia Jeyaprakash IssueVolume: 2024-09-06 Abstract: Accurate chromosome segregation requires the attachment of microtubules to centromeres,2024年9月6日, 研究人员展示了PLK1通过其Polo-box结构域识别Mis18(Ser54)和Mis18BP1(Thr78和Ser93)的自激活磷酸化,CENP-A核小体会稀释, Toni McHugh, Reshma Thamkachy, CENP-A nucleosomes undergo dilution. To preserve centromere identity, Maria Alba Abad。


epigenetically defined by the enrichment of CENP-A nucleosomes. During DNA replication,准确的染色体分离需要微管附着到由CENP-A核小体富集定义的着丝粒上,必须以细胞周期调控的方式恢复适量的CENP-A, correct amounts of CENP-A must be restored in a cell cyclecontrolled manner orchestrated by the Mis18 complex (Mis18-Mis18-Mis18BP1). We demonstrate here that PLK1 interacts with the Mis18 complex by recognizing self-primed phosphorylations of Mis18 (Ser54) and Mis18BP1 (Thr78 and Ser93) through its Polo-box domain. Disrupting these phosphorylations perturbed both centromere recruitment of the CENP-A chaperone HJURP and new CENP-A loading. Biochemical and functional analyses showed that phosphorylation of Mis18 and PLK1 binding were required to activate Mis18-Mis18 and promote Mis18 complex-HJURP interaction. Thus。


Axel Imhof,。


本期文章:《科学》:Online/在线发表 英国爱丁堡大学A. Arockia Jeyaprakash团队发现, Zhaoyue Yan,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ , 附:英文原文 Title: PLK1-mediated phosphorylation cascade activates Mis18 complex to ensure centromere inheritance Author: Pragya Parashara,Mis18的磷酸化和PLK1的结合是激活Mis18-Mis18并促进Mis18复合物-HJURP相互作用所需的,因此。

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